My name is Ron Binette and I am a nature photographer

Beauty is not the shot. Beauty is the moment when it is taken.

About Me.

I purchased my first camera when I left home in 1967 to enlist in the Canadian Navy. It was a Miranda and would now be considered quite an antique! The Navy took me to (back then) faraway places like, Bermuda, Denmark, England and, of course, showed me the wildlife at sea.

After my service, I took a two-semester night course at Algonquin College on photography while spending days working for Bell Canada Telephone Company. Through the following decades, while living and working in the prairies and in California, I explored nature and underwater photography with Canon cameras.

My interest intensified as the technology improved. In 2012, I became a serious photographer with serious investments in photography gear. In 2012, I moved away from Canon and became a Nikon fan. More recently, I’ve switched to Sony. High tech large lenses of today allow me to ‘sneak up’ on my subjects and capture the magic moments.

The beauty of being retired is that interests can become hobbies. Travel experiences in Europe and Southeast Asia and across the US and Canada were enhanced by the incredible photo-ops in nature, people and architecture.

At home in Ottawa, nature photography is remarkable in every season. Photography fills many hours of my days as well as many magic moments. In a 100Km range, I find the truly beautiful fauna, flora, and friends to fill my world. I have dedicated a part of my site to my wife’s photos. She is the REAL photographer in the family, and the most modest one too.